About Me


So, you wanna know a little about me?  Are you sure? Heehee... 

Im a 24 year old redhead from Boston, Ma!  Im a fanatic over Joe Linsner's character, Dawn (obviously) and have been for  years.  Im also a professional costume designer with my own small company called Red Rose Designs .  I created almost all the outfits you see me in on this website.  I am especially proud of  my replica of the coat on the cover of Cry For Dawn #7, which I made for the Dawn Look-a-like 2000 contest.  It took me forever because of all the buckles on the foolish thing, but it was a labor of love!  Here are a few pics:

Click on the pic to see full size


This year, I entered the Dawn Look-a-like contest held at DragonCon in Atlanta, GA.  I had entered the contest last year and took second, this year I was determined to win first!  And, well...I did!

Yep.  The Dawn of the New Millenium.  That's me.

The contest was run a little differently this year, not for the best.  But the girls were great, I met quite a few new friends and saw a few friends from last year!  Joe and Eva were there to, (Eva looking particularly spiffy in a fabu pantsuit) overseeing all they could.

We were paraded onstage a few times by the announcers, who pretty much screwed everyone's name up.  After the third time, we all stayed onstage to await the judges decisions.

I can't explain how great it was to hear my name announced as the winner, I almost fell over!    I was thrilled to receive $1000, but honestly was disappointed that there was no 'Bank of Dawn' check as in previous years.  But hey, just winning was the main reason I entered, I just wanted the title!


Below are some various galleries FULL of pics of yours truly.  Yes, I love having my picture taken, but only when I'm expecting it!  Click on what you's like to see!

Dawn Look-A-Like Contest 2000 Pics

Post Contest Photoshoot by Rishi Basu (My friend)

Dawn Look-A-Like Contest 1999 Pics

Random Pics of Yours Truly

So, what did ya think?  Email Me!