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Well, DragonCon has come and gone once again this year!  But, what a time it was!  If you are wondering what exactly DragonCon is, it's basically the biggest Science fiction / Fantasy / Comic convention that there is.  For about 4 day, THOUSANDS of people converge upon Atlanta, GA to go to this thing.

And practically EVERYONE is dressed up.  Its the best.

 This year, I flew down to meet up with a bunch of my friends from the Dawn Yahoo clubs, many whom I had never met before.  I was a little worried that it would be weird, but it was like instant family!! I had sooo much fun, I can't wait to go back!

Since I was too busy having fun, I forgot to take many pictures.  Here are a few links to some friends who had a little more sense than I did!!

Me & Spencer, the other white meat! Heehee...

Patman's Photo Album

The AP's Invade DC2K!

Stefan's Site

Dawn Look-A-Like Contest 2000 Pics

Post Contest Photoshoot by Rishi Basu (My friend)

Dawn Look-A-Like Contest 1999 Pics



Well, some important news!  There is a debate going on right now about weather or not there will be any more Dawn Look-a-like contests at DragonCon.

 Several fans have set up a petition on-line to gather signatures in support of another contest next year.  Once they have enough signatures they will forward the link onto Joe Linsner and the staff at DragonCon.   I already have signed, I'm hoping the contest will be run alot differently than it was this year and bring the degree of class back that I think it was lacking this year.

Anyways, click on the pic to the left to go show your support!